Alfabiotech Evolution hoses receive DNV's new type approval for installation aboard ships.

Alfabiotech Evolution hoses receive DNV's new type approval for installation aboard ships.

Alfabiotech Evolution hoses receive DNV's new type approval for installation aboard ships.

DNV has issued type approval for Alfabiotech Evolution hydraulic assemblies, certifying them for installation on DNV-classified vessels. This approval encompasses Alfabiotech Evolution 4K, 5K, 5.5K, and 6K hose assemblies, which adhere to the standards and regulations governing the design, construction, installation, inspection, and validation of piping systems and maritime equipment aboard ships.

           These systems encompass various fluid types, including fuel, freshwater, seawater, exhaust gas, compressed air, cooling systems, lubrication systems, and other related systems. The certified hose assemblies are authorized for use with both petroleum-based and water-based hydraulic fluids, operating within a temperature range spanning from -40°C to +120°C.